Why are your fees so high?

The trial-and-error approach to psychiatry can lead to patients being in treatment for years, costing them time, energy, and money. Our practice is based on helping you feel better, faster.

Potomac Psychiatry’s rates are higher in the short term than other practices you might find—but in the long term, our rates end up being much lower for patients. Why? Because our aim with every patient is to help them get better, faster. We don’t take a trial-and-error approach to your health: instead, we work hard so that you don’t have to be in treatment for any longer than you need to be.

Here are three reasons our fees are higher than most:

Reason #1: Spending more up front may save you time and money down the road

Many of our prospective patients ask us: Why should we pay such a high rate when we can get a better rate elsewhere? Our answer is simple: trial and error psychiatry—a practice in which doctors try various medicines and treatments until one works—can result in thousands more dollars spent over a lifetime, and bring about a state of prolonged and unnecessary suffering.

While we may have a higher cost, our practice has the capability to find the root causes of what’s ailing you and address each of them systematically, ultimately saving you time, money, and a lot of heartache.

We use genetic testing, microbiome testing, and other personalized laboratory testing to create a unique personal database of your underlying genetic and biologic vulnerabilities. Then, one by one, we address each and every one of them.

Reason #2: Our staff is your greatest advocate

Whether or not you’re a patient, our team is dedicated to listening to your concerns, answering all your questions, and making sure you get all the information you need when you need it.

Our admin team is always just one call, email, or text away. They often play the “middle man” in your correspondences between your pharmacy, insurance, and our practice to make sure everything about your treatment is as smooth as possible.

Reason #3: Our award-winning doctors truly want the best for you

Our doctors have consistently ranked among the best psychiatrists in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC. The reason for the recognition is simple: we see every patient as an individual.

Every person who we speak to has a unique past and a specific vision of what they want their future to look like—and it’s our job to help you get there. We also know you want to get there as quickly as you can… and we have the tools that can make that happen.